Табличка 1120, Фрагмент 3
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Обсуждение (2)
  • This fragment is Daniel 6:27-7-2 “He delivers and recues, and He works signs
    and wonders in heaven and in earth, He delivered Daniel from the paw of the
    So this
    Daniel prospered in the kingdom of Darius, and in the kingdom of Cyrus.

    Line 1 מן from (paw of the lions) vs 27

    Line 2 ומלכות (not ובמלכות) כורש Last letter in
    name Darius, kingdom of Cyrus 6:28

    Large space is the division between chapters 6 and 7

    Line 3 דניאל חזה חלם Daniel
    dreamed he perceived 7:1

    Line 4 חלמא כתב the
    dream he wrote 7:1

    Line 5 הוית
    I was 7:2

  • Etymology of the name Darius:

    Darius name of three Persian rulers, notably Darius the Great, Persian emperor 521-485 B.C.E., from Greek Darius, from Old Persian Darayavaus, probably literally "he who holds firm the good," from PIE root *dher- (2) "to hold firmly, support"...(Online Etymology Dictionary).

    Contextually, the title 'Darius' indicates a ruler, or [lesser] king, in the lands of Persia. Smaller than its surrounding nations, Persia was located between Media and the Persian Gulf.

Обсуждение (2)
  • This fragment is Daniel 6:27-7-2 “He delivers and recues, and He works signs
    and wonders in heaven and in earth, He delivered Daniel from the paw of the
    So this
    Daniel prospered in the kingdom of Darius, and in the kingdom of Cyrus.

    Line 1 מן from (paw of the lions) vs 27

    Line 2 ומלכות (not ובמלכות) כורש Last letter in
    name Darius, kingdom of Cyrus 6:28

    Large space is the division between chapters 6 and 7

    Line 3 דניאל חזה חלם Daniel
    dreamed he perceived 7:1

    Line 4 חלמא כתב the
    dream he wrote 7:1

    Line 5 הוית
    I was 7:2

  • Etymology of the name Darius:

    Darius name of three Persian rulers, notably Darius the Great, Persian emperor 521-485 B.C.E., from Greek Darius, from Old Persian Darayavaus, probably literally "he who holds firm the good," from PIE root *dher- (2) "to hold firmly, support"...(Online Etymology Dictionary).

    Contextually, the title 'Darius' indicates a ruler, or [lesser] king, in the lands of Persia. Smaller than its surrounding nations, Persia was located between Media and the Persian Gulf.