"From outside, the sword will bereave, and terror from within; young men and maidens, suckling babes with venerable elders". Devarim - Deuteronomy 32:25. Line 1 from outside, Line 2 ones suckling with man (of gray).
דיון (1)
Tim Puzak
Apr 26 2016, 3:06
"From outside, the sword will bereave, and terror from within; young men and maidens, suckling babes with venerable elders". Devarim - Deuteronomy 32:25. Line 1 from outside, Line 2 ones suckling with man (of gray).
"From outside, the sword will bereave, and terror from within; young men and maidens, suckling babes with venerable elders". Devarim - Deuteronomy 32:25. Line 1 from outside, Line 2 ones suckling with man (of gray).